Novelas escogidas (Aguilar) por Leslie Charteris


Novelas escogidas es un tomo editado por Aguilar, en su segunda edición de 1967, que recoge relatos de Leslie Charteris protagonizados por Simon Templar: El Santo decide el caso (The Saint closes the Case), El Santo, Vengador (The Avenging Saint), El Santo tropieza con su igual (The Saint meets his Match), El Santo, frente a Scotland Yard (The Saint v. Scotland Yard) y La escapatoria de El Santo (The Saint's Getaway).

Foto del autor, biografía del mismo y un punto de libro de las Novelas escogidas.

Selected Novels is a volume edited by Aguilar, in its second edition of 1967, which includes stories by Leslie Charteris starring Simon Templar: The Saint Closes the Case, The Avenging Saint, The Saint meets his Match, The Saint v. Scotland Yard and The Saint's Getaway.

Photo of the author, biography of the author and a book point of the chosen novels.