In Memoriam Tanya Roberts (15/10/1955 - 04/01/2021)


In Memoriam Victoria Leigh Blum más conocida como Tanya Roberts (15/10/1955 - 04/01/2021). Fue Stacey Sutton, la chica Bond en Panorama para matar (A View To A Kill - Dangereusement vôtre, 1985) con Roger Moore como James Bond 007 y dirigidos por John Glen;  fue Julie Rogers, una de Los ángeles de Charlie (Charlie's Angels), en el período 1980-1981, participó en otras series como Vacaciones en el mar (The Love Boat), Aquellos maravillosos 70 (That' 70s Show)... Entre otras películas citó, El señor de las bestias (The Beastmaster, 1982), Sheena reina de la selva (Sheena, 1984)...

In Memoriam Victoria Leigh Blum better known as Tanya Roberts (15/10/1955 - 04/01/2021). It was Stacey Sutton, the Bond girl in A View To A Kill (1985) with Roger Moore as James Bond 007 and directed by John Glen; it was Julie Rogers, one of Charlie's Angels, in the period 1980-1981, participated in other series such as The Love Boat, That '70s Show ... Among others He cited films, The Beastmaster (1982), Sheena (1984) ...