In Memoriam John Saxon (05/08/1936 - 25/07/2020)


In Memoriam Carmine Orrico más conocido como John Saxon (05/08/1936 - 25/07/2020). Actor de dilatada carrera, citó entre otras, Operación Dragón (Enter the Dragon, 1973), Virus (Apocalypse domani, 1980), Pesadilla en Elm Street (A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984), Pesadilla en Elm Street 3: Los guerreros del sueño (A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, 1987), Abierto hasta el amanecer (From Dusk Till Dawn, 1996)... en TV participó en Bonanza, La mujer maravilla (Wonder Woman), Falcon Crest, Se ha escrito un crimen (Murder, She Wrote)...

In Memoriam Carmine Orrico better known as John Saxon (05/08/1936 - 25/07/2020). A long-running actor, he cited, among others, Enter the Dragon (1973), Apocalypse domani (1980), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987), From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) ... on TV she participated in Bonanza, Wonder Woman, Falcon Crest, Murder, She Wrote ...